The NBR Matrix
The NBR Matrix is a listing of all the named natural business relationships. It will contain all the event based relationships identified on the Event Canvas, plus all other unique and specific NBRs recognized in the ELM process. On the NBR Matrix all involved CBCs will be checked for each natural business relationship they are a part of. In other words, for each identified NBR, there is a checkmark for all the identified CBCs needed to form that relationship. By using two different color checkmarks, you have the opportunity to check a CBC is simply involved in the relationship, or the originator of it. CBCs that originate relationships represent an event.

The NBR Matrix is also the place where there will be some iteration and addition after the initial NBRs are examined further. This examination is done using the NBR Form, where the example records for each NBR allow for redundancy and sparsity to be discovered. Redundancy will lead to header and detail relationships and sparsity will yields additional unique and specific relationships. The details on each of these NBRs can be found on the NBR Form.